Friday, April 27, 2012

It's Not Working

So, I'm on simvastatin to lower my not high, but not ideal cholesterol level according to our health plan to keep us at the best rate for insurance. I've added back in a healthy dose of psyllium and other things that I used to do in order to have a good cholesterol number and after several weeks of consistent use of the drug (I'm no fan of taking prescription drugs to begin with), I believe that I'm having way too many side-effects.

As Jennifer will tell you, I've been complaining of getting headaches, which is something I don't usually have, I've woken up with a headache and just feeling depressed lately, and most importantly, I don't feel sharp, at all. I'd best describe it as brain-fog. Things just aren't clicking right and it all completely goes hand in hand with taking simvastatin, which is the generic for Zocor. When I first tried the drug in late December, I was having muscle pain, but it was difficult to tell whether that was related to having been sick or the drug. I additionally was having the brain fog problem. I believe at this point in time that the muscle aches were truly due to being sick, but the brain fog, it's just like before and it only takes a few days to really start causing a problem.

I've read through several medical reports on the subject, reports from users, and I've found a great resource at, where former NASA astronaut and Dr. Duane Graveline and the team there have endless resources dedicated to showing with evidence of the ill-effects of these drugs. It's also interesting that the doctor notes issues with CoQ10 and statins. Our physician told me that as well, that there might be a need to use CoQ10 as there is a depletion issue that then leads to many side-effects and physical problems.

I'm going back to treating this with natural methods like I used to and I hope to achieve the desired numbers for the next annual testing. What's even more frustrating is that their research along with many others show that cholesterol numbers aren't actually accurate benchmarks for heart issues and that it's all basically a bunch of garbage sold to doctors by the medical industry all in the name of profit. It's so frustrating. All I know is that I've woken up yet again feeling terrible and it goes hand in hand with the use of the medicine.

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